Government expanding COVID-19 testing capacity and purchase of medical equipment, says federal health minister

Health Minister Patty Hajdu says the federal government is undertaking a massive effort to expand testing capacity and secure medical equipment so that health care providers have the supplies they need to handle the rising number of COVID-19 cases.

The effort includes approving new testing methods and purchasing additional test kits, ventilators and personal protective equipment, such as masks and gowns.

«We’ve been working around the clock with provinces and territories to make sure that everyone has what they need to detect and interrupt the chain of transmission,» Hajdu told a press conference today.

Hajdu said the federal government approved two new diagnostic tests on Wednesday that should allow provinces to test for new cases faster and more broadly.

WHO urging expansion of testing

The health minister’s comments came after the World Health Organization’s director general called on countries to increase their testing.

«You cannot fight a fire blindfolded. And we cannot stop this pandemic if we don’t know who is infected,» said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on Monday.

«We have a simple message for all countries: test, test, test. Test every suspected case.»

Most provinces and territories are limiting testing to those who have been exposed to confirmed or presumptive COVID-19 cases, or those who have returned from a coronavirus-affected area.

COVID-19 testing kits sit stacked at a screening clinic in Montreal.(Ivanoh Demers/CBC/Radio-Canada)

Chief Public Health Officer Teresa Tam said that officials have tested more than 50,000 Canadians since the beginning of the outbreak and the federal government has over 800,000 swabs ready for use in test kits.

«Eight hundred thousand swabs goes some ways, but it doesn’t mean we can stop,» said Tam. «We must keep getting more on an ongoing basis.»

Already, the B.C. Centre for Disease Control is saying the supply of swabs used to test for COVID-19 is «critically limited.»

B.C. Health Minister Adrian Dix said tests are being prioritized while health authorities search for more supplies or other options.

«Every effort is being made to get more swabs,» Dix told CBC’s The Early Edition on Tuesday.

Watch: Canada’s health minister explains the global effort to combat Covid-19

Health Minister Patty Hajdu says Canada is trying to speed up access to urgently-needed medical supplies, treatments and a vaccine to combat COVID-19.2:47

Industry ‘retooling’ to make critical medical equipment: health minister

In addition to expanding testing capacity, Hajdu said the federal government is putting in large orders for medical supplies.

«We know that even though the provinces and territories have indicated what they think they might need, in fact, we may need more,» said Hajdu.

Part of that effort is a call-out the government released last week on its Buy and Sell website, which handles procurement. It’s asking companies to let it know if they could supply products like N95 masks and surgical masks, nitrile gloves, vinyl gloves, gowns and bottles of hand sanitizer.

Hajdu said a number of companies have indicated they have the ability to «re-tool» to make products that may be needed in the future.

Tam said that while there is no current shortage of ventilators — medical machines used to help those hit hard by COVID-19 to keep breathing — federal officials are trying to prevent a shortage.

Watch: Dr. Tam outlines what’s being done to secure critical medical equipment

Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Theresa Tam outlines what is being done to secure critical medical supplies and equipment during the COVID-19 crisis. 1:44

Tam added that there are enough supplies now to meet 75 per cent of the stated need for personal protective equipment.

«We’re pulling all stops to locate any other supplies, suppliers, bulk purchasing and any other means,» said Tam.

Tam warned that the health care system needs to be prepared for a second wave of the virus, even if ongoing efforts at social distancing are successful.

«This virus is going to be with us for some time,» Tam said. «Even if we flatten this wave, we need to keep going so that when the next winter comes along, hopefully we’ve leaned an incredible amount in the next several months for us to prepare for any potential resurgence.»

Watch: What to do if you’re self-isolating at home for COVID-19

You might choose to self-isolate at home if you’ve been exposed, or think you’ve been exposed, to COVID-19. Ellen Mauro explains what to do.1:50